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<h2 class="title">Welcome to Our Team Futurama Project!</h2>
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<h3 id="lol">Overview</h3>
<a href="https://github.com/MystKitteh/TeamFuturama" target="blank">This repository</a>
contains data and analysis regarding the TV show Futurama, which aired from 1999 to 2003. The analysis focuses primarily on character lines and the frequency of each character's dialogue throughout the series. </div>
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<p> The data used for this analysis was collected from transcripts of each episode of Futurama. The transcripts were processed to extract dialogue lines for each character. </p>
<p> The analysis provides insights into the dialogue lines delivered by each character throughout the series. This includes: </p>
<li>Total lines spoken by each character</li>
<li>Distribution of lines across seasons</li>
<li>Notable quotes and dialogue patterns for key characters</li>
<li>Frequency of Speaking</li>
</ul> Additionally, the analysis explores how frequently each character speaks relative to others. This includes: <ul>
<li>Comparison of speaking time between main characters</li>
<li>Trends in character dialogue across seasons</li>
<li>Impact of character dynamics and story arcs on speaking time</li>
<p>Researchers, fans, and enthusiasts of Futurama can use this analysis to:</p>
<li> Gain insights into the character dynamics and dialogue distribution throughout the series. </li>
<li> Explore trends and patterns in character development and storytelling. </li>
<li> Inform discussions and analyses of the show's narrative structure and character interactions. </li>
<p> This analysis was conducted by Mistie McColm, Tyler Dollard, Charlie Vazquez and Samantha Moniot and is made available under the [appropriate license or attribution]. </p>
<p> This analysis is intended for school research and entertainment purposes only. Futurama is the intellectual property of its creators and production companies. This analysis is not affiliated with or endorsed by the creators or production companies of Futurama. </p>
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<h2 class="title">About the students</h2>
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<h3>Mistie McColm</h3>
<p>I'm a transfer student from Texas currently completing my senior year at Penn State Behrend. Exploring this project has been a nice throwback to one of my childhood favorites, Futurama. When I have spare time I enjoy playing video games, making art, reading, and hiking.</p>
<h3>Samantha Moniot</h3>
<p>I am a third year digit student double minoring in marketing and data visualization. I had not watched futurama before working on this project so learning about the characters and their quirks has been interesting to see. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and playing Stardew Valley.</p>
<h3>Charlie Vazquez</h3>
<p>I'm a student in my second year as of now, transfered from a different commonwealth campus to psu behrend after changing my major to DIGIT. I was already familiar with futurama before working on the project and I'm a fan of the show. I hope to learn more about the Adobe Creative Cloud offered in DIGIT and to get a career involving content creation. In my spare time I enjoy learning to play the guitar and working on my webcomic.</p>
<h3>Tyler Dollard</h3>
<p>I’m Tyler Dollard, a third-year student at Penn State Behrend, passionate about delving into the world of digital media. From crafting films to creating short clips, I’ve always found joy in storytelling through visuals. My goal? To hone my skills and turn my passion into a fulfilling career. When I’m not immersed in media creation, you’ll likely find me enjoying my favorite TV shows, diving into video games for both leisure and competition, or hitting the field for some sports action. Life’s all about balancing creativity and play, and I’m here for every moment of it.</p>

Our Findings // findings.html

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<h2 class="title">Data visualizations</h2>
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<h2 class="finding">Most used Words in Season 1, Episode 1.</h2>
<img src="images/1X1viz2.png" alt="a wordmap of most used words in the first episode" class="antvis" />
<h2 class="finding">Most used Words in Season 5, Episode 16.</h2>
<div class="svg">
<img src="images/5X16viz2.png" alt="a wordmap of most used words in the last episode" class="antvis">
<p class="info">The visualization show the frequency of which words had higher frequency. Both visualization had Fry, Bender and Leela as having a higher frequency.</p>
<h3 class="finding">Average Main Character Dialogue Frequency Per Episode - Season 1 v 5</h3>
<img src="season1.svg" alt="graph of dialogue distribution from season 1" class="fimg" />
<img src="season5.svg" alt="graph of dialogue distribution from season 5" class="fimg" />
<h2 class="finding">Jupyter Notebook Visualizations</h2>
<iframe src="images/network.html"></iframe>
<a href="https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/MystKitteh/TeamFuturama/HEAD"><hr />Jupyter Notebook Visualizations</a>

Our Reflections // reflections.html

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<h1 class="header">New New York Post</h1>
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<p>We used several different data visualization softwares. These include: AntConc, SVG and seaborn via jupyter notebook.</p>
<p>We made two visualizations with AntConc. One for the first episode and one for the last episode. The main goal we had for these visualizations were to see what patterns changed or if any characters were mentioned less frequently as the show went on. AntConc is primarily designed for text analysis, so the types of visualizations we could generate were somewhat restricted. This meant we had to get creative to represent our data effectively.One issue that we faced was that there were too many words in the wordcloud that made it more difficult to read.We fixed this by reducing the word count analyzed from 200 to 50. This made the wordcloud much easier to read.</p>
<p>We made two SVGs for the first and fifth season. We found the data using XPath for the each episode of season 1 and 5. There were a total of 25 episodes (9 for season 1 and 16 for season 5). The goal of this comparison was to see if any characters had a change of frequency in dialogue. We found that Fry had more overall dialogue in both seasons when compared to Bender and Leela. All three character decreased their dialogue per episode by season 5. The main difficulty was figuring out how to recenter the text to appear on our site. The other difficulty was we had realized that season 1 and 5 had a different number of episodes which could account for why there Bender and Leela had increased dialogue. We averaged out the data instead to give more accurate results. </p>
<p>While Seaborn offers a high-level interface for creating attractive visualizations, we sometimes found ourselves limited by the library's built-in customization options. Achieving specific design or formatting requirements often required additional coding or workarounds.</p>
<p>We created 5 html pages and 2 CSS pages. While our work with HTML and CSS ran relatively smooth, there were some issues that we faced.One issue that we faced was that on one our laptops the "Data" heading text was overlapping with some of the other text.We were able to fix this by having some of the CSS simplified. </p>
<p>Despite these challenges, we were able to overcome them through collaboration, experimentation, and perseverance, ultimately producing insightful visualizations to support our project goals.</p>

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